10 Facts About Cats That Will Help You Understand Them Better

Body Language:

Cats communicate primarily through body language. Pay attention to their tail, ears, and whiskers to understand their mood and feelings.


While cats often purr when content, they also purr when stressed, injured, or in pain. Context and accompanying body language can help decipher the meaning behind the purring.

Independent Yet Social:

Cats are known for their independence, but they are also social animals. They form strong bonds with their owners and other pets in the household.

Grooming as a Social Bond:

Mutual grooming isn't just about hygiene; it's a way for cats to strengthen social bonds. If your cat licks you, it's a sign of trust and affection.

Scratching is Natural:

Cats scratch to mark their territory, sharpen their claws, and stretch their muscles. Provide scratching posts to satisfy this instinct and protect your furniture.

Nighttime Activity:

Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. Understanding their natural activity patterns can help you manage their energy levels.

Hiding When Sick or Injured:

Cats tend to hide when they're not feeling well. If your cat suddenly withdraws and seeks solitude, it may be a sign that they need medical attention.

Preference for Routine:

Cats are creatures of habit and often prefer a consistent routine. Abrupt changes can cause stress, so try to maintain a stable environment.

Preference for Routine:

Cats are creatures of habit and often prefer routines. Sudden changes in their environment or daily schedule may cause stress.

Whiskers are Multifunctional:

Invest in preventive healthcare to avoid costly vet bills in the long run. Keep up with vaccinations.