This Surprising Juice Blend May Reduce Arthritis Pain, Experts Say
It may be worth trying to alleviate joint pain and inflammation with a simple diet change. A globally respected pharmacologist and medica
researcher are promoting an easy, homemade (and possibly appetizing) mixture that some may consider a fable but may truly help arthritis pain.
The People's Pharmacy podcast is hosted by Joe and Teresa Graedon, M.S., who have written about health for over 40 years. The Graedons
answered a Seattle Times reader who avoids over-the-counter osteoarthritis pain medicine because they use a blood thinner in a recent essay.
The Graedons recommended grape juice and pectin for arthritic therapy. Although "there is no scientific study supporting" this cure, the
authors stated that hundreds of readers have reported its effectiveness in alleviating arthritis pain.
There are numerous recipes for this arthritis-pain juice blend, according to the Graedons. One dissolves a tablespoon of Certo liquid pectin in 8 ounces of purple grape juice.
Some choose to take the cure twice or three times a day. They add 2 tsp Certo to 3 oz grape juice."
Always with your doctor before trying a cure for a condition like arthritis pain. Some people are allergic to pectin, so be careful when trying
grape juice-pectin for arthritis. The grape juice with the least added sugar may also be ideal.