Look for hair photos that like yours. If you have straight, fine hair, avoid photos with heavy curls. Finding a reference that matches your texture is crucial.
Don't sit quietly on the chair. Tell us if something's not your style. Maybe you hate blow-drying or have a favorite hair part. You can say so.
Avoid telling your hairdresser to trim an inch off all sides and that you may want extra tweaks later. That will require two or more haircuts.
Hair changes require realistic expectations. It's possible that your friend transformed from brunette to red in one appointment, but everyone's hair is different.
Bringing photographs of inspiring hairstyles for your hair type helps. Specify your dislikes for looks.
Clients with unreasonable expectations frustrate hairdressers. Do not bring filtered or wig photographs.
Prepare to alter hair color. Good coloring takes time and money. Salons employ high-quality items to deliver value.
You can tell if you like a model's haircut by covering her face with your finger while you examine it. This lets you see if you like the hair, not the face.