Durian: Known as the "king of fruits," durian has a strong odor that some find unpleasant.
Balut: Balut is a fertilized duck or chicken egg with a partially developed embryo. While it's considered a delicacy in some regions, the concept of eating an embryo can be off-putting to many.
Surströmming: This Swedish fermented herring has a notoriously strong and unpleasant odor. The taste is described as sour and pungent, making it an acquired taste.
Century Egg: Century eggs are preserved eggs that have undergone a fermentation process. They have a translucent black or greenish yolk and a strong ammonia-like odor.
Liver: While some enjoy liver, others find its taste and texture unappealing. Liver is also very high in cholesterol and should be consumed in moderation.
Head Cheese: Head cheese is a cold cut made from the head of a pig or cow, including the eyes, ears, and tongue. It has a jellied texture and may not be to everyone's taste.
Natto: Natto is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. It has a strong, pungent odor and a slimy texture, which can be off-putting to those unfamiliar with it.
Black Licorice: Black licorice has a distinct, divisive flavor due to the presence of anise. Some people enjoy its unique taste, while others find it overpowering.
Casu Marzu: This Sardinian cheese is intentionally infested with live insect larvae. While it's considered a delicacy by some, the thought of consuming live maggots can be unsettling.
Canned Meat: Canned meat products like Spam and Vienna sausages are highly processed and often contain high levels of sodium and preservatives. They may not be the healthiest choice.