8 Catio Design Ideas for Your Home

Window Perch Catio: – Extend a cat window perch into a secure outdoor enclosure. This allows your cat to enjoy the sights and sounds

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Balcony Catio: – Convert your balcony into a catio by adding mesh or netting around the perimeter. Include platforms

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Hanging Catio Space: – Create a hanging catio using strong mesh or netting attached to a frame. Hang it from a sturdy structure like a pergola

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Enclosed Patio Catio: – Transform a section of your patio into a catio by adding cat-safe netting or wire mesh.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Customized Play Structure Catio: – Build a custom play structure within a catio that includes platforms, tunnels, and climbing elements.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Garden Catio Oasis: – Combine a catio with a small garden area. Plant cat-friendly herbs or grass, and add perches or shelves to create a natural

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

DIY Enclosed Window Box: – Construct a window box catio that attaches securely to your windowsill. Ensure it has a roof and sides made of mesh

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Catio Tunnel System: – Connect multiple catios with enclosed tunnels to create a network for your cat to explore.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
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