America's Largest Pizza Chain Had Its Worst Sales In Over a Decade

Domino's may still be the world's most prominent quick-service pizza brand, but its streak of rising domestic sales

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has ended. Domino's has suffered its largest sales decrease in almost a decade after its best pandemic performance.

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White Frame Corner

Domino's pizza demand is limited. The chain reported 3.6% lower U.S. same-store sales in the first quarter of 2022. This is the second fall in

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three quarters for the chain, indicating that personnel issues and Omicron variant surges have become too much for the chain to overcome.

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White Frame Corner

Domino's will remember 2020's triumph. Sales rose 16% in the months after the shutdown, and spring and summer sales were the strongest in

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almost a decade. Back then, the pandemic created a huge difference between chains that could handle deliveries and others that couldn't. Domino's

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The chain's sales declined as the pandemic subsided. Domino's domestic sales fell for the first time in a

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decade in Q3 2021. Same-store sales at U.S. sites down 1.9% from 2020, while the chain was up more than 15% from 2019.

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White Frame Corner

This second, more dramatic fall is primarily due to the pizza chain's delivery driver scarcity and sliding delivery pizza demand, which may continue to hurt its bottom line.

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White Frame Corner
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