Costco's Rumored Membership Fee Increase Rivals Inflation

A Credit Karma survey published before the new year found that 80% of supermarket buyers are spending more on food due to inflation. 

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The U.S. Inflation Calculator reports that the rate is breaking a 40-year-old record at 8.5%, but experts expect prices to rise.

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If one legendary pattern repeats, Costco members who appreciate the warehouse giant for its inexpensive pricing may pay more for access in 2022

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Costco has hiked membership costs every 5.5 years. The recent increase was from $55 to $60 for the Gold Star Everyday membership

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and $110 to $120 for the Executive membership in June 2017. If the same $5 and $10 increase happens this year, Costco memberships will cost 8.3%

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That $5 or $10 membership price increase is tiny compared to what members spend on warehouse runs.

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Other Costco services have always been affordable. Being so cheap costs the corporation money on the $4.99 famed rotisserie chicken.

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The corporation caps the food court hot dog and Coke combo at $1.50 for this reason. In 2018, large box company co-founder Jim Sinegal advised CEO Craig Jelinek

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