The #1 Secret Beef Companies Don't Want You To Know

You've probably seen "Product of the USA." beef packages at the grocery store. The shrink wrap sticker shows an American flag

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A recent Food and Wine research found that mislabeling beef products from outside the US is prevalent.

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The USDA can mark "Made in the USA" on beef and pork products even if they were imported but processed in the US. Imported beef and pork repackaged in the US may have

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Because of this, farm supporters favor the American Beef Labeling Act, which would prohibit labeling beef as a "Product of the USA" unless it

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originated from cows born, raised, and processed in the US. It was introduced in September and referred to the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee.

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The USDA is undertaking a national study to determine if Americans care about this. The Federal Register reports that the Food Safety and

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Inspection Service (FSIS) plans to conduct a web-based poll to assess consumer awareness and understanding of "Product of the USA"

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The Federal Register's website allows consumers to take the survey and submit formal comments.

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About 50 people have commented on the problem as of publication. The survey comment session ends Monday, April 4. 

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