Have fall vibes? Fun fact: Many predicted Starbucks' pumpkin spice latte would arrive today, and they were right.
The PSL has garnered more loyalty than any other seasonal drink in 18 years. Starbucks told Eat This, Not That! that the U.S. has sold over 500 million pumpkin
Did you know what you were consuming with those half-billion beers? A former Starbucks barista and a licensed nutritionist revealed PSL ingredient
Our RD also provided nutrition advice on the largest coffee businesses' latest fall drinks and ways to make your favorite fall order healthier.
Registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Karen Graham, RD, CDE, has written three diabetes books.
Graham begins his thought-provoking analysis of this fall beverage roundup: These drinks' main ingredient is sugar.
She believes that when you want fall, it's easy to overlook how hazardous sugar is."When you consume a ready-made drink with lots of added sugar
you stress all organs of your body, including your pancreas, heart, liver, and kidneys," says Graham
"All these organs have to work hard to remove excess sugar from your body."
Not taking fall's pleasure away!
Read on to discover the exact consequences of the new fall drinks, including which ones are healthiest and least healthy.